Phone: 804-828-7544
Email: cookak@vcu.edu
Office Location: Raleigh Building, Room 2009D
Recent Articles
Amy Cook, Ph.D.
Acting Director of Student Success and Associate Professor
- Substance use among criminal justice populations
- Juvenile Justice
- Experiential learning opportunities for students
B.S., Criminal Justice, Virginia Commonwealth University
M.A., Liberal Arts, University of Richmond
Ph.D., Public Policy and Administration, VCU
Senior Seminar, Introduction to CJ, Research Methods, Criminological Theory, Service Learning
Amy K. Cook is an associate professor of criminal justice at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs. Her current research examines correlates of substance use, including overdose and crime. Amy works closely with local jails and reentry organizations to enhance community-based services for individuals with substance use disorder. Prior to academia, Amy spent over 14 years as a probation officer with the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice where she worked with delinquent youth, families, and victims of intimate partner violence. Amy was also a member of the Fatality Review Team, which reviewed intimate partner and family-related homicides.
Substance use and drug overdose, community-based reentry, and experiential learning opportunities for students.