Phone: 804-827-7312
Email: lehmannrb@vcu.edu
Office Location: Raleigh Building, Room 2009A
Recent Articles
Brad Lehmann, Ph.D.
- Law Enforcement Operations
- Ethical Decision-Making Systems
- Education, Curriculum, Culture, and Care
- Ethics of Care
- Justice Systems and Community Relationships
B.S., Criminal Justice, Virginia Commonwealth University
M.S., Criminal Justice, Virginia Commonwealth University
Ph.D., Education (Curriculum, Culture, and Care), Virginia Commonwealth University
Humans of RVA & VCU, Law & Criminal Justice Policy, Introduction to Criminal Justice, Victimology and Victimization, Bridging Perspectives-Critical Conversations for Students and Police, Criminal Procedure, Principles of Criminal Investigations, Race, Crime & Criminal Justice, Courts & Sentencing
Authenticity, Relationships, and Care - Ethical Decision Making in Criminal Justice Education, Justice Studies and Community Cultural Awareness, Criminal Justice Education, Curriculum and Professional Development
Lehmann, a former Police Sergeant with the Henrico County (VA) Police Department, a graduate of the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, and an experienced educator previously with the VCU Honors College and the Virginia Community College System brings over twenty years of experience in academia and practice in criminal justice and education.
A member of the 45th Basic Police Academy in Henrico, VA, Lehmann served in Patrol Operations, Directed Action Response Team, Court Services - Juvenile Courts Liason, and in DUI Reduction Patrol & Awareness where he achieved Emeritus Level V in the County’s Leadership Development Program. He was a Field Training Officer and was a lead instructor for the county in Ethics and Bias-Awareness as well as a Senior DUI & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing trainer.
Sergeant Lehmann was a General Instructor for the Fair & Impartial Policing, Field Training Officer Candidate School, First Line Supervisor Training, Courtroom Preparation, Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Arrest Procedures, Interview & Interrogation, and Police Records Incident Management & Case Builder Reporting training. During his tenure, received the Wilmer J. Hedrick award for Supervisory excellence, Leslie T. Sheppard award for non-supervisory employees for signification contributions safety of the citizens of the County of Henrico, Meritorius Unit Award, Two (2) Chief’s Eagle Awards from the Chief of Police for demonstrated, exceptional performance, innovative solutions, or unique programs in an effort to advance superior police services and departmental goals, and Five (5) Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Awards for significant contributions working to eliminate drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking in the Richmond, VA Region including the 2013 award for the highest number of impaired driving arrests in the region.
In addition to public service, Lehmann is a graduate of Center for American and International Law’s Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA) School for Law Enforcement Ethics (2012) and a graduate of VCU’s inaugural Anti-Racist Educator series (2020).
(Formal Reviewer) Jirard, S. A. (2020). Criminal law and procedure: A courtroom approach (1st ed.). SAGE.
(Reviewer) Hanson, G., Venturelli, P. J., & Fleckenstein, A. E. (2022). Drugs and Society (14th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
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