Phone: 804-828-1874
Email: sliebert@vcu.edu
Office Location: 700 W. Grace St., Rm. 3212
Recent Articles
Saltanat Liebert, Ph.D.
Associate professor
- Immigration policy
- Civil service reform
- Comparative public administration
- Immigration policy
- Civil Service Reform
- Comparative Public Administration
B.A., English Language and Literature, Kyrgyz State National University, 1998
M.P.A., Public Administration, Indiana State University, 2000
Ph.D., Public Administration, American University, 2007
Principles of public administration, public human resource management, immigration and public policy, comparative public administration.
Prior to joining the Wilder School, Dr. Liebert taught at American University in Washington, D.C., and worked for the World Bank, United Nations and the International Organization for Migration in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Austria and the U.S. She has also served as a consultant on governance, migration and human trafficking issues, working with such institutions as the Protection Project of Johns Hopkins University and the International Research and Exchanges Board. Liebert has been interviewed by media outlets such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and BBC World Service.
In addition, Dr. Liebert is the chair-elect of ASPA's Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations and the recipient of the 2020 Julia Juanita Henderson International Award presented by ASPA's Section on Women in Public Administration.
Select Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Liebert, Saltanat, 2020. “Deconstructing Immigrant Integration: the Case of Kyrgyz Labor Migrants in the United States,” International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 151-165.
Liebert, Saltanat, Goerzig, Carolin, Mona H. Siddiqui, 2020. “Integration of Muslim Immigrants in Europe and North America: A Transatlantic Comparison,” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 196-215,
Baimenov, Alikhan and Saltanat Liebert, 2019. “Governance in the Post-Soviet Era: Challenges and Opportunities,” Public Administration Review, Viewpoint article, Vol. 79, No. 2 (March/April), pp. 281-285.
Liebert, Saltanat. 2014. “Challenges of Reforming the Civil Service in the Post-Soviet Era: The Case of Kyrgyzstan.” Review of Public Personnel Administration , 34(4), pp. 403-420.
Liebert, Saltanat and Carl Ameringer. 2013. “ The Healthcare Safety Net and the Affordable Care Act: Implications for Hispanic Immigrants.” Public Administration Review, Vol. 73, No. 6 (November/December), pp. 810-820.
Liebert, Saltanat. 2010. “The role of Informal Institutions in U.S. Immigration Policy Implementation: the Case of Illegal Labor Migration from Kyrgyzstan.” Public Administration Review, Vol. 70, No. 3 (May/June), pp. 390-400.
Recent News Coverage
Identifying opportunities to improve immigrants’ lives in the commonwealth